Copyright © 2007-2023 Mark G. Daniel
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
Software under the License is distributed on an
either express or implied.
PyRTE is an interface to a Python interpreter engine and environment for the WASD VMS Web server. It is designed to be able to be used in standard CGI and CGIplus/RTE persistent scripting modes. The persistent modes (default) provide a ~35x (yes, an approximate thirty-five times) improvement in script activation times (compared to CGI/command-line) and comparably reduced load on both server and system. Note that this package does not contain the Python interpreter or kit, that has to be obtained and installed separately (a simple matter as it is provided via a PCSI package).
PyRTE is linked against the Python interpreter shareable image and so shares a set of Python capabilities in common with command-line OpenVMS Python. Alpha (AXP) and Itanium object modules are provided for the VMS platforms available for Python.
PyRTE has been developed and tested on V8.4, Alpha and Itanium, using WASD v12.n and VMS Python 2.7 kits originally ported by Jean-François Piéronne, and now off-line.
FYI: Beginning May 2023, PyRTE underwent significant rework
prompted by the release VSI Python v3.10 — Itanium only. The core PyRTE
code now supports both Python 2.7 and 3.10 as independent builds and
executables. PyRTE reports itself as v2.n.n for the Python 2.7
build, and as v3.n.n for Python 3.10.
Installation install according to the instructions available.
$ SET DEFAULT WASD_ROOT:[000000] $ UNZIP "-V" location:PYRTEnnn.ZIP
For existing Python 2.7:$ @BUILD_PYRTE2 LINK
For existing Python 2.7:$ COPY WASD_EXE:PYRTE.EXE CGI_EXE:
Although there are experimentation modes built into PyRTE basically it will be used as a WASD Run-Time Environment providing persistent Python interpreter(s) and environment(s) for Python scripts and applications. Benchmarking indicates the CGIplus/RTE use reduces activation time to 3% of CGI (yes, that's correct, by a factor 35 - a python interpreter is quite expensive to instantiate). There are subtle differences in the way CGIplus and RTE parse and provide the PATH_INFO data (see the "WASD Scripting Overview" for detail).
Note: Python 2.n built and used PYRTE.EXE whereas Python 3.n builds and uses PYRTE3.EXE (in line with python3 nomenclature).
# WASD_CONFIG_GLOBAL [DclScriptRunTime] .PY $CGI-BIN:[000000]PYRTE3 [AddType] .PY text/plain Python source .PYC application/octet-stream Python byte-code .PYO application/octet-stream Python optimised byte-code
For existing Python 2.7:# WASD_CONFIG_GLOBAL [DclScriptRunTime] .PY $CGI-BIN:[000000]PYRTE
Note: [DclScriptRunTime] and mapping rules described below may interact in unexpected ways.
# WASD_CONFIG_MAP exec /py-bin/* (cgi_exe:pyrte3)/cgi-bin/* \ script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once ods=5
For existing Python 2.7:# WASD_CONFIG_MAP exec /py-bin/* (cgi_exe:pyrte)/cgi-bin/* \ script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once ods=5
# WASD_CONFIG_MAP for automatic RTE usage map /cgi-bin/*.py* /py-bin/*.py* exec /py-bin/* (cgi_exe:pyrte3)/cgi-bin/* \ script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once ods=5
For existing Python 2.7:exec /py-bin/* (cgi_exe:pyrte)/cgi-bin/* \ script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once ods=5
# WASD_CONFIG_MAP exec /web/**.py* /web/*.py* \ script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once ods=5
# WASD_CONFIG_MAP exec /appx/**.py* /appx_root/*.py* \ script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once ods=5 \ script=as=USERX
# WASD_CONFIG_MAP exec /py-bin/* (cgi_exe:pyrte3)/wasd_root/src/python/scripts/* \ script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once ods=5
For existing Python 2.7:Note that the location of the above example scripts has changed to [.SCRIPTS] since the v1.0 release.exec /py-bin/* (cgi_exe:pyrte)/wasd_root/src/python/scripts/* \ script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once ods=5
Remember to
$ HTTPD /DO=MAPafter changing mapping rules.
It is sometimes useful, sometimes necessary, to maintain multiple versions of Python on a system, and also support multiple versions to web applications (scripts). It is not difficult to have PyRTE activate a specific version by wrapping the executable in a procedure that sets up the appropriate Python environment in a process-local context.
$! CGI_BIN:PYRTE3.COM $ define /proc TMPDIR "/wasd_root/scratch" $ pyrte3 == "$cgi_exe:pyrte3.exe" $ pyrte3
$! CGI_BIN:PYRTE2.COM $! activate JFP Python 2.7 $ @disk$jfplib0020i:[000000] $ @disk$jfppy1400i:[000000] $ @python_root:[vms]setup $ pyrte == "$cgi_exe:pyrte.exe" $ pyrte
Each of these is mapped for independent activation based on the request path.
# WASD_CONFIG_MAP exec /py-bin/* (* \ script=syntax=unix map=once script=query=none ods=5 exec /py2-bin/* (**/wasd_root/src/python/scripts/* \ script=syntax=unix map=once script=query=none ods=5
** |
Note that the scripts activated are the same on-disk files, located in
the PyRTE source directory.
Also note that /py-bin/ mapping result is different to that of the /py2-bin/ mapping. There is a /volume/ present. This is only required where the same on-disk files are being scripted. This is a kludge. Due to the way WASD caches script information (on the disk file path), including any associated RTE, it was necessary to differentiate the two activations and the chosen solution was to include the physical volume (on which [WASD_ROOT] resides) in the mapping. Another solution might be to use an alternate concealed logical device name. |
This is one approach. A little creativity would yield others.
Example Scripts
After configuration (as described immediately above) the following scripts may be used to confirm the environment is functioning.
Some of these examples also support CGIplus mode for comparison purposes.
Of course the Python code in the script may be inspected from the source directory:
PyRTE contains a Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0 (WSGI). This is a Python standard specification for web servers and application servers to communicate with web applications (though it can also be used for more than that).
The WSGI code has been developed under the sponsorship of SysGroup generously made available to the wider WASD community.
The following is an example of a simple (and classic) WSGI application being activated using the PyRTE wasd.wsgi_run() function.
def hello_world (environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' response_headers = [('Content-type','text/plain')] start_response(status, response_headers) return ['Hello world!\n'] import wasd wasd.wsgi_run(hello_world)
PEP 333 specifies that WSGI should not buffer output and PyRTE complies but some tools (like Mercurial) don't buffer internally themselves and end up sending many very small records. This is obviously inefficient. If buffered the throughput boost for Mercurial is about x4. Well worth having for specific Web applications.
This forced buffering may be enabled on a per-application basis using a mapping rule, for example
set /mercurial/* script=param=PYRTE=/WSGI=BUFFERor by defining the logical name
The following scripts may be used to confirm the environment is functioning.
The Python code in the script may be inspected from the source directory:
There are also equivalent wsgiref (the Python reference
implementation) scripts available for comparison. Just add ref to the
wsgi in the script name.
Leveraging PyRTE
Python scripts activated using the default persistent engine generally have low-latency, low-system-impact characteristics and seem to perform reliably and efficiently. The PyRTE generally handles all the WASD server interaction requirements. However there may be occasions where the application itself benefits from being persistent (many Python Web application are written with this in mind) or where more control needs to be exercised by the application designer. The WASD PyRTE provides a WASD Python module that provides an API for some of these aspects. Rather than clutter this document with such arcane detail the description may be found in the prologue to the PyRTE source code:
An example of where an application benefits from an explicitly CGIplus activation is MoinMoin:
MoinMoin is generally run independently to a system's primary Web server using the embedded Web server available for Python. Reverse proxy is often then use to provide and control access through to the persistent MoinMoin server.
Using the same principle of keeping MoinMoin persistent (for the obvious latency and efficiency benefits) it can be run and controlled directly by the WASD Web server using a CGIplus wrapper DCL procedure and a little Python glue (directly derived from persistence code already present in the MoinMoin package).
The same principles may be applied to any application environment (third-party or in-house) with similar characteristics. Python applications running as CGIplus scripts using the PyRTE must be activated via DCL wrappers as illustrated above (in part due to mapping requirements).
With CGIplus persistent applications configuration or code changes will in all probability require a 'restart' of the application using one or other of:
Debugging is always fun ☹
PyRTE provides some execution data via the WATCH report [X]Script item. For example (note the SCRIPTs):
|13:37:44.55 SERVICE 1749 009001 CONNECT VIRTUAL| |13:37:44.55 REQUEST 4418 009001 REQUEST GET /py-bin/| |13:37:44.55 CACHE 0600 009001 RESPONSE CACHE search path 23E5BF0E9DBCDFE3B01647C116E79A09| |13:37:44.55 DCL 1611 009001 RESPONSE SCRIPT as HTTP$NOBODY RTE /py-bin/ wasd_root:[src.python.scripts] ($cgi_exe:pyrte3.exe)| |13:37:45.24 DCL 8396 009001 SCRIPT PYRTE IA64-3.0.0 Python 3.10.0 (default, Nov 25 2021, 10:52:09) [C]| |13:37:45.25 DCL 8396 009001 SCRIPT RTE caching /py-bin/ /WASD_ROOT/src/python/SCRIPTS/| |13:37:45.25 DCL 8396 009001 SCRIPT CACHE new 1/1| |13:37:45.25 DCL 8396 009001 SCRIPT LOAD /py-bin/ /WASD_ROOT/src/python/SCRIPTS/| |13:37:45.25 DCL 8396 009001 SCRIPT CODE /WASD_ROOT/src/python/SCRIPTS/| |13:37:45.26 DCL 8396 009001 SCRIPT EVAL /py-bin/| |13:37:47.75 DCL 8396 009001 SCRIPT PYRTE IA64-3.0.0 USAGE:1/1 REAL:00:00:02.51 CPU:2.49 DIO:473 BIO:2437 FAULTS:957 PGFL:1966832/2%| |13:37:47.75 GZIP 0608 009001 RESPONSE DEFLATE 3366->1521 bytes, 45% (261kB)| |13:37:47.75 NETIO 0514 009001 RESPONSE NETWORK %X0000002C (%SYSTEM-F-ABORT, abort) (non-blocking)| |13:37:47.75 REQUEST 1435 009001 REQUEST STATUS 200 (OK) rx:344 tx:4911 bytes 4.205s 1,249 B/s|
Any reportable script error is indicated.
|13:43:44.30 DCL 8396 011001 SCRIPT CODE /WASD_ROOT/src/python/SCRIPTS/| |13:43:44.31 DCL 8396 011001 SCRIPT EVAL /py-bin/| |13:43:44.31 DCL 8396 011001 SCRIPT ERROR <class 'RuntimeError'> 'logical name PYRTE_CACHE_ENTRY not defined'| |13:43:44.32 DCL 8396 011001 SCRIPT PYRTE IA64-3.0.0 USAGE:2/2 REAL:00:00:00.01 CPU:0.02 DIO:1 BIO:61 FAULTS:2 PGFL:1961552/2%|
It is also possible to add items from within the script Python code using the wasd.WATCH() function. The example /py-bin/ script contains the statement wasd.WATCH('and hello [x]Script')
|13:48:12.43 DCL 8396 013001 SCRIPT RTE caching /py-bin/ /WASD_ROOT/src/python/SCRIPTS/| |13:48:12.43 DCL 8396 013001 SCRIPT CACHE unused 3/3| |13:48:12.43 DCL 8396 013001 SCRIPT LOAD /py-bin/ /WASD_ROOT/src/python/SCRIPTS/| |13:48:12.44 DCL 8396 013001 SCRIPT CODE /WASD_ROOT/src/python/SCRIPTS/| |13:48:12.44 DCL 8396 013001 SCRIPT EVAL /py-bin/| |13:48:12.44 DCL 8396 013001 SCRIPT WATCH and hello [x]Script| |13:48:12.44 DCL 8396 013001 SCRIPT PYRTE IA64-3.0.0 USAGE:2/4 REAL:00:00:00.01 CPU:0.00 DIO:3 BIO:37 FAULTS:2 PGFL:1961088/2%|
Unfortunately the author of the PyRTE interface is such a Python novice he is not in any position to answer queries about Python "programming" or usage. Suggest asking VMS-specific-Python questions at the
VSI Python Forum on the general VSI OpenVMS Forum
If there's an obvious behavioural problem with
PyRTE then contact the author or use the info-WASD mailing list.
Many thanks to Jean-François Piéronne for his initial port of
Python to VMS.
VSI also have provided an official port of v3.10 for Itanium.