/* * * LBRUSR -- library header information array offsets */ #ifndef _LHIDEF_H #define _LHIDEF_H struct lhidef { unsigned long lhi$l_type; /* library type */ unsigned long lhi$l_nindex; /* number of indices */ unsigned long lhi$l_majorid; /* library format major id */ unsigned long lhi$l_minorid; /* library format minor id */ char lhi$t_lbrver[32]; /* ASCIC version of librarian that created */ unsigned long lhi$l_credat; /* creation date/time */ unsigned : 32; /* long fill; */ unsigned long lhi$l_updtim; /* date/time of last update */ unsigned : 32; /* long fill; */ unsigned long lhi$l_updhis; /* VBN of start of update history */ unsigned long lhi$l_freevbn; /* 1st logically deleted block */ unsigned long lhi$l_freeblk; /* number of deleted blocks */ unsigned char lhi$b_nextrfa[6]; /* RFA of end of library */ unsigned short lhi$w_rfaxtr; /* spare word, zeroed */ unsigned long lhi$l_nextvbn; /* next VBN to allocate at end of file */ unsigned long lhi$l_freidxblk; /* number of free pre-allocated index blocks */ unsigned long lhi$l_freeidx; /* listhead for pre-allocated index blocks */ unsigned long lhi$l_hipreal; /* VBN of highest pre-allocated block */ unsigned long lhi$l_idxblks; /* number of index blocks in use */ unsigned long lhi$l_idxcnt; /* number of index entries (total) */ unsigned long lhi$l_modcnt; /* number of entries in index 1 (module names) */ unsigned long lhi$l_mhdusz; /* length of user-maintained info in module header */ unsigned long lhi$l_maxluhrec; /* maximum number of library update histories records maintained */ unsigned long lhi$l_numluhrec; /* number of LUH records in history */ unsigned long lhi$l_libstatus; /* false if there was an error closing lib */ }; #endif /*_LHIDEF_H*/