/* * * LIB - window control block definitions [not in Starlet] */ #ifndef _WCBDEF_H #define _WCBDEF_H /* There is a window control block for each file accessed by a process. It contains mapping information such that a large percentage of virtual file I/O can be mapped from virtual to logical block numbers without having to read the respective file header. */ #define WCB$V_READ 0 #define WCB$V_WRITE 1 #define WCB$V_NOTFCP 2 #define WCB$V_SHRWCB 3 #define WCB$V_OVERDRAWN 4 #define WCB$V_COMPLETE 5 #define WCB$V_CATHEDRAL 6 #define WCB$V_EXPIRE 7 #define WCB$M_READ (1<