PCSI Kits of Open Source Software for OpenVMS


A LD image disk which contains all libraries installed can be dowload

A LD image which contains Python installed can be download

Packages list

A North American mirror site and an Australian mirror site are also available.

The ZLIB package on AXP require OpenVMS V7.1 and provide shareables optimized for generic Apha processor and ones for EV56 processor and later platforms.

All others packages require OpenVMS V7.3 on AXP and OpenVMS V8.2 on IA64.

Tom Uijldert has build kits for OpenVMS AXP V7.2 (for zlib, libz and Python). These kits can be found in Tom Uijldert's OpenVMS V7.2 kits.

If you wish to compile the software yourself, complete source packages are available here or from the North American mirror site.

Some of these tools require (or run better on) an ODS-5 volume.
The integrated LDDRIVER present within OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-1 and later can be use to build an ODS-5 container.
The necessary material to use it is include in the tools directory for each processor type.

Zlib V1.2.3

Zlib is a compression/decompression library used by several software packages, including MySQL and Python.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[LIBZ] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBZ] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" ZLIB-V0102-3-1
  3. Install the Zlib package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL zlib  (default)
    or ...
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[LIBZ]STARTUP  (default)   or ... $ @dev:[dir.LIBZ]STARTUP

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LibBZ2 V1.0.4

LibBZ2 is a block-sorting compression/decompression library used by several software packages, including Python.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[LIBBZ2] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBBZ2] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" LIBBZ2-V0100-4-1
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libbz2  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libbz2 /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[LIBBZ2]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.LIBBZ2]STARTUP

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LibJPEG V6.2b

LibJPEG is a image de/compression library using the JPEG standard used by several software packages, including Python.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[LIBJPEG] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBJPEG] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" LIBJPEG-V0602--1.ZIP
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libjpeg  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libjpeg /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[LIBJPEG]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.LIBJPEG]STARTUP

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LibPNG V1.2.22

LibJPEG is a image de/compression library using the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) standard used by several software packages, including Python.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[LIBPNG] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBPNG] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" LIBPNG-V0102-22-1.ZIP
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libpng  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libpng /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[LIBPNG]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.LIBPNG]STARTUP

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FreeType V2.1.4

FreeType is a Free font engine library for TrueType fonts used by several software packages, including Python.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[FREETYPE] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.FREETYPE] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" FREETYPE-V0201-4-1.ZIP
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL freetype  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL freetype /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[FREETYPE]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.FREETYPE]STARTUP

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LibImaging V1.1.6

LibImaging is a image processing library which supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities and used by several software packages, including Python.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[LIBIMAGING] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBIMAGING] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" LIBIMAGING-V0101-6-1.ZIP
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libimaging  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libimaging /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[LIBIMAGING]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.LIBIMAGING]STARTUP

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LibGD V2.0.35

LibGD is an ANSI C library for the dynamic creation of images. GD creates PNG, JPEG and GIF images, among other formats. It is used by several software packages, including Python.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[LIBGD] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBGD] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" LIBGD-V0200-35-1.ZIP
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libgd  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libgd /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[LIBGD]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.LIBGD]STARTUP

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GDChart V1.1.4

GdChart is a library to create charts and graphs in PNG, GIF and WBMP format. It is used by several software packages, including Python.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[GDCHART] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.GDCHART] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" GDCHART-V0011-4-1.ZIP
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL gdchart  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL gdchart /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[GDCHART]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.GDHART]STARTUP

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Libxml2 V2.6.29

Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project.

It is used by several software packages, including Python.

It is not necessary to install this package, except to rebuild Python from sources..

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[LIBXML2] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBXML2] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" LIBXML2-V0206-29-1.ZIP
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libxml2  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libxml2 /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[LIBXML2]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.LIBXML2]STARTUP

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Libxslt/Libexslt V1.1.12

Libxslt is the XSLT C library developed for the Gnome project. XSLT itself is a an XML language to define transformation for XML.

It is used by several software packages, including Python.

It is not necessary to install this package, except to rebuild Python from sources.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[LIBXSLT] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBXXLT] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" LIBXSLT-V0101-12-1.ZIP
  3. Install the library package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libxslt  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL libxslt /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[LIBXSLT]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.LIBXSLT]STARTUP

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SWISH-E V2.4.3

SWISH-E is a fast, powerful, flexible, free, and easy to use system for indexing collections of Web pages or other files. Python include a SWISH-E query interface.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[SWISH-E] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.SWISH-E] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" SWISH_E-V0204-2-1.ZIP
  3. Install the tool package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL swishe  (default)
      or ...
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL swishe /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)
    $ @SYS$COMMON:[SWISH-E]STARTUP  (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.SWISH-E]STARTUP

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OpenSSL V0.9.7I

OpenSSL is an Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library.

Used to build several others software packages, including MySQL and Python.

It is not necessary to install this package, except to rebuild MySQL and Python from sources. Those packages are, now, statically linked against OpenSSL.

By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[OPENSSL097I] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.LIBZ] directory.


  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" OPENSSL097I-V0101-0-1
  3. Install the OpenSSL package to your chosen destination.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL OPENSSL097I  (default)
    or ...
  4. Finally, run the DCL procedure O0PENSSL_STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals.
    (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)

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MySQL V4.1.14-log

Software Requirements

  1. JFP ZLIB 1.2.3  (See above)
New SYSUAF Account
This installation procedure creates the unprivileged SYSUAF account MYSQL_SERVER to run the server. After installation is complete, you will want to review the security settings on all volumes, directories, and files this account will access during operation and adjust them according to your needs.

By default, the installation procedure installs MySQL in the SYS$COMMON:[MYSQL] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, MySQL will be installed in the dev:[dir.MYSQL] directory.


  1. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" MYSQL-V0401-14-1.ZIP
  2. Shut down the MySQL server process.
    $ MYSQLADMIN -u ROOT -p SHUTDOWN   That's right, quit twice :-)
  3. Install new version of MySQL.
  4. Start the MySQL server.
  5. Change the default directory to the scripts directory and run the SQL script mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql to update the system tables. You need to run this script after an upgrade. You can safely igore any error messages.
    $ mysql
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.1.14-log
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
    mysql> use mysql
    Database changed
    mysql>source mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql
    mysql> exit
  6. Shut down the MySQL server process.
    $ MYSQLADMIN -u ROOT -p SHUTDOWN   That's right, quit twice :-)
  7. Finally, start the MySQL server.

You should now have a running MySQL 4.1.14 server!

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New installation

  1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory
  2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive.
    $ UNZIP "-V" MYSQL-V0401-14-1.ZIP
  3. Install MySQL to your chosen destination directory.
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL mysql  (default)
    or ... 
    $ PRODUCT INSTALL mysql /DESTINATION=dev:[dir]
  4. Change the default directory to the VMS-specific directory and run the two DCL procedure files, LOGICALS.COM and SYMBOLS.COM, to define the necessary logicals and symbols for MySQL.
    or ...
    $ SET DEFAULT dev:[dir.MYSQL.VMS]
    then ...
    $ @SYMBOLS
  5. (Optional) Configure the MySQL package to suit your environment by editing the file MYSQL_ROOT:[VMS]MY.CNF.
  6. Run the special DCL procedure FIRST_START_MYSQLD.COM to start the MySQL server for the first time.
    		. . .and wait here a few moments for the database to be created.
  7. Run the special DCL procedure MYSQL_PRIVILEGES.COM to create the system tables.
  8. Connect to the master system table and display the existing password for ROOT (should be "" at this point).
    $ mysql
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.1.14-log
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
    mysql> use mysql
    Database changed
    mysql> select Host, User, Password from user;
    | Host      | User | Password |
    | localhost | root |          |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  9. IMPORTANT! Define a password for the ROOT MySQL account.
    mysql> update user set Password=PASSWORD('myrootpassword') where User='root';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
    mysql> select Host, User, Password from user;
    | Host      | User | Password         |
    | localhost | root | 6b6403a743ef6b56 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> flush privileges;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.16 sec)
  10. (Optional): You must also change the HOST field contents if you want to access MySQL from another host using the ROOT account. For example, setting HOST to '%' allows access from anywhere.
  11. (Optional): Verify your password and/or host changes took effect.
    Enter password:
    Uptime: 25  Threads: 1  Questions: 1  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 6
    Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 0  Queries per second avg: 0.040
  12. Shut down the MySQL server process.
    $ MYSQLADMIN -u ROOT -p SHUTDOWN   That's right, quit twice :-)
  13. Finally, run the DCL procedure MYSQL_STARTUP.COM.
    (You might want to add this line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.)

You should now have a running MySQL 4.1.14 server!

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Full documentation and some useful links are available from the Python for VMS site.

Webware for Python

Full documentation and some useful links are available from the Python for VMS site.

Remember, all PCSI kits listed below are also available from the North American mirror site and the Australian mirror site.

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© Tous droits réservés 2003 Jean-François PIÉRONNE