=Packet address version 10.1 copyright 1990, Russell Nelson. This program is free software; see the file COPYING for details. NO WARRANTY; see the file COPYING for details. $PKT DRVRNo packet driver at that address$usage: pktaddr []$My Ethernet address is $ !  !< t翹5! tt]r !' ! u˹Q Yt:No error at all.$Invalid handle number$No interfaces of specified class found$No interfaces of specified type found$No interfaces of specified number found$Bad packet type specified$This interface does not support multicast$This packet driver cannot terminate$An invalid receiver mode was specified$Operation failed because of insufficient space$The type had previously been accessed, and not released.$The command was out of range, or not implemented$The packet couldn't be sent (usually hardware error)$Hardware address couldn't be changed (more than 1 handle open)$Hardware address has bad length or format$Unknown error$"3Ip&M|Zs Üs. t*PSR2s㋗ ! Z[XQW_Yr <:uFý bjrL2;sF u33۬