PMDF Programmer's Reference Manual

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Remove an entry from a database.


status = PMDF_database_delete_entry

(database, entry)

argument information

Argument Data type Access Mechanism
database signed longword read value
entry descriptor read reference


status = PMDFdatabaseDeleteEntry

(database, entry, entry_len)

argument information

int PMDFdatabaseDeleteEntry(int   database, 
                            char *entry, 
                            int   entry_len) 



Database to delete the entry from.


Entry to remove from the database (e.g., an alias). Length of this string should not exceed KEY_LENGTH for a short database or LONG_KEY_LENGTH for a long database.


Length in bytes of the entry.


Entries are removed from databases with PMDFdatabaseDeleteEntry . In the case of duplicate entries, multiple calls are required to remove all entries --- one call per entry. If the specified database is not already opened, then it will be opened automatically. When no more database accesses are to be performed, the database should be closed with PMDFdatabaseClose . See the description of PMDFdatabaseAddEntry for a list of the legal values for database.

Return Values

PMDF__OK Normal, successful completion.
PMDF__BAD Bad parameter value: illegal value specified for database. No entry deleted.
PMDF__NO No matching entry found. No entry deleted.
PMDF__CANOPNDAT Database could not be opened or does not exist.
PMDF__CANTUPDAT Cannot update the database. Attempt to delete an entry failed.
PMDF__ENTWONFIT Length of entry too long for database. No entry deleted.
PMDF__INVSTRDES Invalid string descriptor for entry: descriptor has an invalid value in its DSC$B_CLASS field. No entry deleted.
PMDF__STRTRUERR Supplied string entry is too long. No entry deleted.

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