PMDF System Manager's Guide

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1.7 Installation Environment: Logicals (OpenVMS), Tailor File (UNIX), Registry (NT)

When PMDF is installed, the installation procedure creates a file of PMDF logical name definitions (OpenVMS) SYS$ , or a PMDF tailor file of option settings (UNIX) /etc/pmdf_tailor , or PMDF entries in the NT Registry (see the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , SOFTWARE , Process Software, PMDF, Tailor) establishing PMDF's operational parameters, such as specifying the normal names of PMDF's main configuration files and specifying on which disk(s) PMDF directories are located. For instance, the PMDF_QUEUE logical name (OpenVMS) or tailor file option (UNIX) or Registry entry (NT) specifies the location of the PMDF queue area.

On OpenVMS, a command to execute should be added to the system startup procedure, so that these required PMDF logicals are properly defined each time the system is rebooted. On UNIX and NT, the tailor values are automatically consulted by PMDF as necessary.

Normally the Process Software-supplied file, PMDF Tailor file, or NT Registry entries, once generated during PMDF installation, should not be site modified. b On OpenVMS, if you want to site customize such settings you can create a file containing the settings that you want to alter; will automatically execute such a site-supplied file, if it exists.


It is sometimes desired to change the values specifying the disk location of directories such as the PMDF queue, table and log directories. This should only be done when a system is running standalone (with no other processes on it). Furthermore, note that due to limitations in the Solaris utilities pkginfo , pkgrm , and pkgadd , manually relocating the entire PMDF directory tree (/pmdf and everything under it) after installation is not supported on Solaris.


b The one value that is routinely changed is the OpenVMS-only logical name PMDF_TIMEZONE, which should be changed whenever the local timezone is changed. Values controlling various "clean up" task timing are also sometimes changed, as discussed above in Section and Section

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