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, minperiodicnormal
, minperiodicurgent
, maxperiodicnonurgent
, maxperiodicnormal
, maxperiodicurgent
) When periodic delivery jobs are used they normally process all messages queued for the channel. However, on some channels it may be desirable to limit normal periodic job processing to only messages of specified priorities. Other special site-supplied periodic jobs may then process the remaining messages. For instance, a site might choose to have normal PMDF periodic jobs pass over nonurgent messages, leaving those nonurgent messages to be delivered by some site-supplied job (perhaps scheduled to run at off-peak hours).
The minperiodicnonurgent
, minperiodicnormal
, or minperiodicurgent
, keywords specify the minimum priority of message that a periodic job should try to deliver; the job will ignore messages of lower priority. The maxperiodicnonurgent
, maxperiodicnormal
, or maxperiodicurgent
keywords specify the maximum priority of message that a periodic job
should try to deliver; the job will ignore messages of higher priority.
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