PMDF System Manager's Guide

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3.1.3 Personal Alias Databases (OpenVMS and UNIX)

Both the alias file and alias database are system-wide entities. They do not provide a mechanism that lets individual users set up personal aliases for single addresses or distribution lists.

On OpenVMS and UNIX platforms, PMDF provides an additional database facility which is user-accessible; each user can create and use his or her own database of addresses and lists. On OpenVMS, personal alias databases are consulted during both initial message submission by the owner of the personal alias database and delivery of messages to that user by the L channel; on UNIX, personal alias databases are consulted only during initial message submission by the owner of the personal alias database.

On OpenVMS, this database is located via the PMDF_PERSONAL_ALIAS_DATABASE logical name; this logical usually translates to SYS$LOGIN:aliases.dat . The use of SYS$LOGIN makes this database a per-user entity. Note that redefining the PMDF_PERSONAL_ALIAS_DATABASE logical on a per-user or per-group basis is not supported. In particular, PMDF can and does make use of personal aliases during local delivery. In doing this PMDF cannot have knowledge of any user-level changes to this logical name. As such PMDF simply expects to find personal alias databases in user login directories.

On UNIX, this database is located via the PMDF_PERSONAL_ALIAS_DATABASE tailor file option; this option is usually set to ~/aliasesdb . The use of the ~ initial path makes this database a per-user entity.

The format of the personal alias database is upwards compatible with the format of the system alias database. Some additional flag bits are defined which have specific meaning for user aliases. These flags are described fully in the documentation for the PMDF DB (OpenVMS) or pmdf db (UNIX) utility; see the appropriate edition of the PMDF User's Guide.

Use of personal alias databases can be disabled with the USE_PERSONAL_ALIASES PMDF option.

Personal alias databases are consulted before the system alias database is consulted.

Personal alias databases are created and managed on OpenVMS using the ALIAS commands in PMDF MAIL or the PMDF DB utility, or on UNIX using the pmdf db utility. For details on creating and using personal alias databases, see the appropriate edition of the PMDF User's Guide.

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