PMDF System Manager's Guide

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27.1 Symbiont Configuration

Before creating a queue to e-mail queue, the symbiont executable must be copied to the system's executable directory, pointed at by the logical SYS$SYSTEM. (OpenVMS requires that all symbionts reside in the that directory.) To place a copy of the symbiont into this directory, issue the command

$ COPY PMDF_EXE:pmdf_q2email.exe SYS$SYSTEM:pmdf_q2email.exe
This will place the queue to e-mail symbiont in the system specific SYS$SYSTEM directory; to place it in the cluster common directory, use SYS$COMMON:[sysexe] in place of SYS$SYSTEM: in the above command.

A queue to e-mail queue is then created by initializing a server queue with pmdf_q2email as its processor on the appropriate cluster node, node :

$_          /PROCESSOR=pmdf_q2email/ON=node:: queue-name
where queue-name is the name to use for the queue. If node is a member of a cluster, then omit the /ON= qualifier. The /NOENABLE_GENERIC qualifier prevents generic printer queues without specifically defined execution queues from unintentionally printing to this queue.

If the logical name PMDF_Q2EMAIL_LOG is defined and translates to a valid file name, then symbiont activity will be logged to that file. A new version of the file is created each time the symbiont is restarted.

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