PMDF System Manager's Guide

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DCF-Document format converter

Convert WPS and DX files to other formats.


PMDF DCF input-file-spec output-file-spec

Positional Qualifiers Defaults
/FORMAT=type See text



Input file: input-file-spec
Output file: output-file-spec



The name of an input file to convert. The format of the file must be specified with a positional /FORMAT qualifier. The file extension of the input file must match the specified format (see the /FORMAT qualifier description for details).


The name of an output file to create. The format of the output file is selected with the /FORMAT positional qualifier. The file extension of the output file must match the specified format (see the /FORMAT qualifier description for details).


The DCF utility is used by PMDF-MR to convert WPS and DX message bodyparts to ASCII. This facility is built from document conversion software supplied as part of the MRGATE kit (version 3.1 or 3.2), the Message Router VMS MAIL gateway. PMDF-MR will function without this utility but it will be unable to convert WPS and DX bodyparts to ASCII .

Positional Qualifiers


This positional qualifier must be given for both the input and output file specifications. The allowable types are ASCII , DX , and WPSFILE . The file extension of the input and output file must be given and they must agree with the selected format: for ASCII files the file extension must be .txt , for DX files the file extension must be .dx , and for WPSFILE files the extension must be .wpl . Failure to use the proper extension will result in unpredictable results.


The following command may be used to convert a WPS-PLUS file to an ordinary text format:

All special text attributes (e.g., bold, underlined, etc.), are lost in the conversion from WPS-PLUS to ASCII.

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