PMDF System Manager's Guide

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cache -view-View entries in the queue cache

View the current entries for a channel in the queue cache database.


pmdf cache -view [channel-name]

Command Qualifiers Defaults
None. None.


Must have superuser privileges (UNIX) or be logged in as Administrator (NT) in order to use this utility.



Optional parameter specifying the name of the channel for which to show entries. If no channel name is specified, all entries in the queue cache database will be shown.


The pmdf cache -view utility shows the current entries in the PMDF queue cache database for a channel.


This UNIX example shows checking the queue cache database for entries for the tcp_local channel and finding one such entry:

# pmdf cache -view tcp_local
  recipient count  : 1 
  subdir           : 19 
  channel          : tcp_local 
  filename         : ZY0ETO00805RZ35T.00 
  recipient system : 
  username         : adam 
  creation         : 28-May-2012 14:35:27 
  expiry           : 
  deferred         : 
  last_try         : 28-May-2012 12:10:41 
  priority         : 3 

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