PMDF System Manager's Guide

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shutdown-Shut down PMDF jobs

Shut down PMDF components.


pmdf shutdown [component]

Command Qualifiers Defaults
None. None.


On UNIX, must have superuser privileges in order to use this utility.



Optional parameter which specifies a specific PMDF component to be shut down. On UNIX, the components that may be specified are job_controller , dispatcher , smtp , pop_server (the PMDF MessageStore POP server), pop3 (the system mailbox POP server), imap (the system mailbox IMAP server), imap_server (the PMDF MessageStore IMAP server), http , poppassd , or circuit_check , or indeed any specific Dispatcher service by name (as defined in the Dispatcher configuration file). Note that shutting down the PMDF Service Dispatcher, i.e., the dispatcher component, shuts down all the service components it handles, which may include smtp , pop3 , imap , http , and poppassd , and any other Dispatcher services. If no component name is given then all active components will be shutdown.


The pmdf shutdown utility shuts down the PMDF Job Controller and the PMDF Service Dispatcher. Note that shutting down the PMDF Service Dispatcher shuts down all services (e.g., SMTP, POP3, POPPASSD, IMAP, and HTTP.

Note that on NT, an alternate way of shutting down the Dispatcher and Job Controller is to go to the Services icon under the Control Panel, and then stop them.

On UNIX, pmdf shutdown force can be used to shut down all PMDF processes forcefully, and pmdf shutdown wait can be used to wait until all PMDF processes have terminated on their own. Both of these commands must be used with caution because normally server processes like IMAP will stay up as long as there are active connections.


# pmdf shutdown

The above UNIX command shuts down the PMDF jobs.

C:\> pmdf shutdown

The above NT command shuts down the PMDF jobs.

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