PMDF System Manager's Guide

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PROCESS-Show currently executing PMDF jobs

List currently executing PMDF jobs.



Command Qualifiers Defaults
/MEMORY See text


Requires WORLD privilege in order to see all processes.



The name of the node whose PMDF processes are to be displayed. The asterisk character, *, may be specified to display processes on all nodes in the cluster.


Show current PMDF processes. Normally, the PMDF Service Dispatcher should always be present; additional processes may be present if messages are currently being processed, or if certain additional PMDF components are in use.

Command Qualifiers


Show the amount of memory being used by the processes.


The following command shows current PMDF processes:

VAX OpenVMS V6.2     on node NAPLES 15-NOV-2012 10:56:23.25 
Physical memory 80 MB (163840 pages) up since 31-OCT-2012 06:34:27.50 
----- The following are on node NAPLES, a VAXstation 4000-90A ----- 
  Pid    Process Name    State  Pri      I/O       CPU       Page flts  Pages 
22600127 PMDF counters   HIB      8     2028   0 00:00:07.66      4390    203 
22600372 <HTTP-01>       HIB      6     1824   0 00:00:02.74      4921    124 
226002B2 <DISPATCHER-01> HIB      6     4412   0 00:00:10.04     15578    554 
226002B3 <SMTP-01>       HIB      6     5249   0 00:00:28.85     22094   1246 
226002B6 <POPPASSD-01>   HIB      6      166   0 00:00:01.62      5248    198 

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