PMDF Installation Guide
OpenVMS Edition

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1.7 Post-Installation Tasks for Upgrades

The following is a list of tasks which must be completed following an upgrade installation of PMDF, PMDF-MTA, PMDF-DIRSYNC, PMDF-LAN, PMDF-MSGSTORE, PMDF-POPSTORE, and PMDF-TLS.

  1. Run : If you are installing PMDF on multiple systems in a cluster with systems on different system disks (for example a mixed-architecture cluster), you should execute the procedure on one system for each distinct system disk, other than the one on which you installed PMDF.
  2. Reinstall dcltables.exe : For any other systems in the cluster, other than those that you did the installation on or you ran on, the image sys$library:dcltables.exe must be reinstalled manually using the command:


  3. Run : The installation procedure replaces the old version of the file in the SYS$STARTUP directory with a new version. (This is the procedure normally executed during system startup to define PMDF logicals and install PMDF images.) If PMDF is running in a cluster, you should execute on any other cluster members sharing this PMDF configuration to ensure that all such systems have current logical name definitions.


    The PMDF installation has no way to merge local changes made in an old into the new version of this file. As such, the installation procedure preserves any existing file as pmdf_startup.old so that changes can be retrofitted manually. It is far preferable, however, for sites to refrain from adding private commands, logical definitions, etc., to the command procedure.
    Rather than customizing itself, which will be replaced when you upgrade PMDF, you can create a procedure and put your site specific PMDF definitions in that file. When executes, it checks for the existence of such a site-supplied procedure and executes it, if it exists.
  4. Run pmdf cnbuild : If you use a compiled PMDF configuration, you must recompile and reinstall your PMDF configuration; e.g.:

    You cannot copy over an old compiled configuration for use with PMDF V6.8; the compiled configuration format always changes with each new release of PMDF. You need to reinstall the configuration image on any other cluster members running PMDF. If you use PMDF in a mixed architecture cluster, you need to recompile your configuration on a cluster member of each architecture type, so that all forms of the compiled configuration will be available for reinstallation.

  5. Rebuild the queue cache database: It is a good idea to rebuild the PMDF queue cache database after even minor dash upgrades.


  6. Run : The command file created during the installation is used to resubmit PMDF service jobs after a system queue failure or initialization, or after the jobs have been deleted, as during the pre-installation steps. You must resubmit the PMDF periodic jobs now by issuing the command

    (Your system startup procedure should issue this command as well, so that the jobs will be submitted after a system reboot.)


    The PMDF installation has no way to merge local changes made in an old version of into the new version of this file. Therefore, the installation procedure preserves any existing file as pmdf_submit_jobs.old so that changes can be retrofitted manually. It is far preferable, however, for sites to refrain from adding private commands, logical definitions, etc., to the command procedure; instead, add them to the procedure which invokes .

  7. Optionally generate a new configuration: If you have performed an upgrade from a previous version of PMDF you can continue to use your existing configuration files. You might still run the configuration generator and compare the output with your old configuration. You can always redirect the output of the configuration generator utility to avoid overwriting your working configuration. In many cases, the automatically generated configuration will contain new rules and useful techniques you can apply to your own configuration.
  8. If there were messages in your old queue created by an earlier version of PMDF, you can move them into the new PMDF queue at this time.
  9. Perform image installation of any site-specific images: installs a number of images using the OpenVMS INSTALL utility. These images are listed in the file pmdfimage.dat in the PMDF_COM: directory. The pmdfimage.dat file is reserved for PMDF use and should not be modified. Site-specific images can be installed by using the file siteimage.dat in the PMDF_COM: directory. checks to see if this file exists and installs the images listed in it if it does exist. The siteimage.dat file has the same format as pmdfimage.dat . This format is simple---a file name is specified followed by the appropriate qualifiers for OpenVMS INSTALL. The file name must be separated from the qualifiers by at least one space or tab character. The siteimage.dat file is not provided by the installation process; it must be created manually. If you have installed a new version of PMDF in a different location you should copy over any old siteimage.dat file you have previously built. Once you have built or copied over this file you can either re-run to install the additional images it specifies or use this command:

    In either case, the images specified by pmdfimage.dat are reinstalled. This will not hurt anything.

  10. Update Pascal RTL (VAX and Alpha only): Versions of the HP Pascal RTL (Run Time Library) earlier than V5.0-15 (VAX) or V5.0-18 (Alpha) were not fully thread-safe; PMDF's multithreaded SMTP server and multithreaded SMTP client were liable to exercise these problems. Hewlett-Packard Corporation has given Process Software permission to distribute an updated version of their Pascal RTL for VAX and Alpha. As of PMDF V5.0-6, the PMDF installation procedure will check the version of the Pascal RTL installed on the system on which you install PMDF, and will install an updated Pascal RTL, pasrtl.exe (VAX) or pas$rtl.exe (Alpha), if your system is running OpenVMS 6.1 or later and is using an older version of the RTL. This new version of the Pascal RTL will be included in the next releases of OpenVMS and HP Pascal for OpenVMS. If you are running a shared PMDF configuration on a cluster, then note that the PMDF installation will only update the Pascal RTL on the node on which you perform the installation; you must separately update the Pascal RTL on any other system disks. (Sites running PMDF on a mixed architecture cluster or on a cluster with multiple system disks should note that does not update the Pascal RTL; you must still update the Pascal RTL separately.) See Appendix A for details.
  11. Configure components: If you also installed PMDF-DIRSYNC or PMDF-LAN for the first time, or are using PMDF-MSGSTORE or PMDF-POPSTORE for the first time, then you should configure them now. Configuration instructions for PMDF-MSGSTORE and PMDF-POPSTORE can be found in Chapters 7 and 8. Configuration instructions for PMDF-LAN can be found in Chapters 9 and <REFERENCE>(CHAPTER_EXAMPLELANCONFIGURATION\VALUE).
  12. Upgrade popstore: Sites with existing popstore users who want to use the PMDF MessageStore should issue this command:

    to cause their popstore user account names to be properly modified for compatibility with PMDF MessageStore profiles.

  13. Upgrade MAILSERV files: If you are upgrading PMDF-MTA and use PMDF's MAILSERV facility you should update your site-specific MAILSERV help and index files to reflect the new version and new capabilities. Sample versions of these files are provided as the files mailserv_help.sample and mailserv_index.sample , respectively, in the PMDF_TABLE: directory. These files should be compared against their site-specific equivalents help.txt and index.txt , both located in the PMDF_MAILSERV_FILES_DIR:[000000] directory, and the site-specific files updated appropriately.
  14. Update Lotus Notes images: If you are using the PMDF-LAN Lotus Notes channel or the PMDF-DIRSYNC Lotus Notes directory agent, be sure to upgrade the PMDF images used on the Lotus Notes server. These are OS/2 or NT PMDF images, available under the pmdf_root:[other] directory on the PMDF system, or available directly off the PMDF distribution CD-ROM under the other directory. Note that this is an ISO 9660 with Rockridge extensions CD-ROM, readable from many different platforms including OS/2 and NT.
    1. For a PMDF-LAN Lotus Notes channel, shut down the PMDF Lotus Notes Server Add-ins, using Lotus Notes server console commands such as TELL PNGATECIN QUIT, and TELL PNGATECOUT QUIT (or just TELL PNGATEC QUIT if you were using just the one Server Add-in). Then copy the new server Add-ins to the Lotus Notes server, and start them back up (e.g., LOAD PNGATECIN and LOAD PNGATECOUT).
  15. Perform additional version-specific steps: If you are upgrading from any version prior to V6.2-1, you must perform the additional version-specific steps listed in the sections of this manual after this one.
  16. Start up PMDF: When all the above post-installation tasks have been completed (including all version-specific steps listed in the following sections), it is time to start PMDF back up:
    1. Start up the PMDF Dispatcher with the command


    2. Start up the MAIL$BATCH queue and any other PMDF queues. You can use the commands:


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