PMDF Installation Guide
OpenVMS Edition

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1.6 Step-By-Step Installation Instructions

The following discussion outlines the steps in the PMDF installation procedure. Refer to Chapter 2 for a sample installation dialogue.

  1. Installation of PMDF should be done using the SYSTEM account to ensure that the necessary privileges are available to complete the installation. If you are not logged in as SYSTEM, do so now.
  2. If this is your initial PMDF installation, register the appropriate license PAKs using the DCL LICENSE command or the procedure located in the SYS$UPDATE: directory. You need a PAK for PMDF (PMDF or PMDF-MTA). If you will also be installing PMDF-DIRSYNC, PMDF-LAN, PMDF-MSGSTORE, PMDF-POPSTORE, or PMDF-TLS, then a PAK will also be required for each of those products. If you already have existing PAKs, you should check to make sure they are valid for this release. Use the SHOW LICENSE command to check the release date of the existing PAKs, and make sure the date is later than release date of the new version. New PAKs are issued when your maintenance contract is renewed, not when new versions of software is released. If you have received new PAKs at your renewal time, you should register the new PAKs. First delete or disable the old PAKs, then unload the old PAKs and load the new PAKs. For example, if you received a new PMDF PAK, do the following:

    $ @SYS$UPDATE:vmslicense
          .  [register the new PAK]
    $ LICENSE LOAD PMDF-productname
    Where PMDF-productname is the name of the PMDF product, e.g., PMDF-MTA, PMDF, PMDF-LAN, PMDF-MSGSTORE, or PMDF-POPSTORE, etc., and where xxx is the authorization number of the old PAK. The last two steps, LICENCE UNLOAD and LOAD must be done on all systems running PMDF and using the new PAKs.

  3. Begin the installation or update procedure by invoking the VMSINSTAL command procedure as follows:

    $ @SYS$UPDATE:vmsinstal
    The following type of VMSINSTAL message displays:

    OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 
    It is  5-JAN-2015 at 10:58. 
    Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 
    The first prompt asks you if you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk. If you are not satisfied with the backup of either the system disk or the disk on which PMDF is to be installed, exit VMSINSTAL at this point and perform the backup. Otherwise, press [RETURN].

  4. VMSINSTAL now requests the location of the PMDF installation kit.

    * Where will the distribution volume be mounted: 
    Enter the device or directory name containing the installation kit and press [RETURN].

  5. VMSINSTAL now prompts for the name of the product to be installed.

    * Products: 
    Enter PMDF066 and press [RETURN].

  6. VMSINSTAL prompts for installation options.

    * Options: 
    No options are needed; press [RETURN].

  7. Finally, if installing from CD-ROM, you are asked if the distribution CD-ROM is ready for mounting on the specified device.

    * Are you ready: 
    Prepare the distribution CD-ROM for reading and enter YES followed by a [RETURN] when the volume is ready for mounting. This question will not appear when installing from disk. The following messages are then displayed:

    The following products will be processed: 
        PMDF V6.8 
    Beginning installation of PMDF V6.8 at time
    %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... 

  8. The installation procedure asks if you have registered and loaded the Product Authorization Key:

            Product:      PMDF-MTA, PMDF-ACCESS, or PMDF 
            Producer:     INNOSOFT 
            Version:      6.8 
            Release Date: date
    * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? 
    Type YES if you have already registered and loaded the PMDF license PAK. If you have not already registered and loaded the PMDF license PAK, then answer NO now. Do not attempt to install PMDF if you have not loaded your license PAKs. Do not upgrade PMDF if you do not have an appropriate PMDF license PAK. An appropriate license PAK will have a release date which is in the future. Any version of PMDF released after the release date of your PAK will not run.

  9. The installation procedure displays the following prompt:

    * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 
    Type NO if you do not want to purge replaced files. Press [RETURN] or type YES if you want to purge files replaced by this installation of PMDF.

  10. The next two questions ask you if you want to install the executables for the other architectures. For example if you are installing on VAX: If you will be using PMDF on an OpenVMS Alpha system, then answer YES to the next question.

    Install Alpha VMS executables as well as VAX VMS executables [NO]? 
    This causes the OpenVMS Alpha executables to be installed. Answer NO if you do not want to install OpenVMS Alpha support. If you will be using PMDF on an OpenVMS I64 system, then answer YES to the next question.

    Install I64 VMS executables as well as VAX VMS executables [NO]? 
    This causes the OpenVMS I64 executables to be installed. Answer NO if you do not want to install OpenVMS I64 support.

  11. If this is a new installation of PMDF, you are prompted for the device and directory in which PMDF is to be installed:

    * Enter the device and directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[PMDF]]: 
    Press [RETURN] to install PMDF to a default location. The default will be the directory [PMDF] on the system disk if this is a new installation. Type the name of a different disk and directory if you do not want to install PMDF in the default location. Note that PMDF does not have to be installed on a system disk. If this is an upgrade of PMDF, the following prompt appears:

      --------------- Attention -------------------- 
      The logical name PMDF_ROOT is already defined. 
      It refers to the directory directory-path
    * Do you want to install the new files at that same location [YES]? 
    Press [RETURN] if you want to replace the old version of PMDF with this new version. If, instead, you want to install this new version of PMDF in a different directory tree, then answer NO and to the next prompt specify the name of a different disk or directory or both:

    * Enter the device and directory [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[PMDF]]: 

  12. The installation procedure asks you for an account name to use as the PMDF server account name:

    * Username for the PMDF server account [PMDF]: 
    You should configure a PMDF server account if you plan to use PhoneNet, PhoneNet over DECnet, SMTP over DECnet, or channel or system mailbox filtering. See Section 1.4.1 for further information.

  13. The procedure asks if the PMDF server account already exists:

    * Does this account already exist [NO]? 
    Type YES if your PMDF server account already exists, otherwise, press [RETURN] or type NO . If the PMDF server account does not exist, the procedure prompts for a password and UIC for the new account to be created:

    * Password for the PMDF server account: 
    * Numeric UIC for the PMDF server account [[375,1]]: 
    This special account should not be in the same UIC group as any other account on your system. Note that the procedure will display the password you enter at this time, so you should be careful to keep it secure. At this time the procedure displays informational messages as the PMDF server account is created or modified.

  14. The installation procedure asks you for an account name to use as the PMDF user account name:

    * Username for the PMDF user account [PMDF_USER]: 

  15. The procedure asks if the PMDF user account already exists:

    * Does this account already exist [NO]? 
    Type YES if your PMDF user account already exists, otherwise, press [RETURN] or type NO . If the PMDF user account does not exist, the procedure prompts for a password and UIC for the new account to be created:

    * Password for the PMDF user account: 
    * Numeric UIC for the PMDF user account [[374,1]]: 
    This special account should not be in the same UIC group as any other account on your system. Note that the procedure will display the password you enter at this time, so you should be careful to keep it secure. At this time the procedure displays informational messages as the PMDF user account is created or modified.

  16. The installation procedure prompts for a default PMDF queue:

    * Queue PMDF jobs should run in [MAIL$BATCH]: 
    Press [RETURN] to accept the default MAIL$BATCH, or type the name of another OpenVMS queue. The queue must be an OpenVMS batch queue or a PMDF Process Symbiont queue. The queue does not need to exist at this point; you will create it as part of the post installation procedures in Section 1.8. Note that this queue is only the default queue for PMDF. Other queues can be specified later on a per-channel basis.

  17. The procedure prompts for the username to use for all PMDF job submissions:

    * Username for PMDF service jobs [SYSTEM]: 
    You should accept the default username of SYSTEM unless your site does not allow SYSTEM batch access or you frequently disable your SYSTEM account. Note that any account you do specify does require full privileges, including full read/write access to the PMDF directory tree.

  18. The installation procedure prompts for a default queue for batch jobs created by PMDF's DELIVER subsystem:

    * Batch queue DELIVER jobs should run in [SYS$BATCH]: 
    Press [RETURN] to accept the default SYS$BATCH, or type the name of another OpenVMS batch queue. Note that this queue is only the default queue; users can specify an alternate queue in their files. This queue must be an OpenVMS batch queue; queues handled by the PMDF Process Symbiont are not suitable candidates for handling jobs created by DELIVER.

  19. PMDF needs to know the local time zone. The installation prompts with:

    * Current timezone for this site [default]: 
    The local time zone string should be a standard abbreviation describing the time zone used by your local system clock. If a PMDF time zone has been defined previously it will appear as the default in this question. The syntax of time zone abbreviations is described in detail in RFC 822. The most commonly used North American time zone abbreviations are given in Table 1-2.

    Table 1-2 Commonly Used North American Time Zone Abbreviations
    Time Zone Abbreviation Offset from GMT
    Universal Time GMT +0000
    Eastern standard time EST -0500
    Eastern daylight time EDT -0400
    Central standard time CST -0600
    Central daylight time CDT -0500
    Mountain standard time MST -0700
    Mountain daylight time MDT -0600
    Pacific standard time PST -0800
    Pacific daylight time PDT -0700
    You can use a numeric offset from GMT if you want, expressed in the form shhmm , where s is either "+ " or "- ", hh is the hours offset, and mm is the minutes offset. The time zone string is equated with the system logical PMDF_TIMEZONE which is declared within the command file SYS$ . Whenever you change your clock from standard to daylight savings time or vice versa, you will have to alter the definition of this logical by editing and reexecuting the file SYS$ . Optionally, you can choose to specify NONE for the PMDF timezone, if your VMS system has time zone logicals defined. In this case, the PMDF_TIMEZONE logical is not set by PMDF_STARTUP.COM and PMDF will use the timezone specified by the system. PMDF looks for the following system logicals: first it looks for SYS$LOCALTIME, then if that is not defined, it looks for SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL and SYS$TIMEZONE_NAME.

  20. The installation asks if the HELP entry for the PMDF command is to be added to the system help library:

    * Do you want a system help entry for the PMDF DCL command [YES]? 
    The default is to install the help entry in the system help library

  21. The installation procedure displays the prompt:

    * Do you want to have PMDF_STARTUP.COM run after the installation completes [YES]? 
    Press [RETURN] or type YES to execute the startup procedure automatically. Type NO to prevent the startup procedure from being executed by the installation. If you plan to run the automatic configuration generator after installing PMDF, be sure you accept this action or manually execute SYS$ before using the configuration procedure.

  22. The installation procedure prompts for optional material:

    * Do you wish to install PMDF-TLS [YES]? 
    * Do you wish to install PMDF-LAN [YES]? 
    * Do you wish to install PMDF-DIRSYNC [YES]? 
    * Do you wish to install the PMDF Message Store [YES]? 
    The mail RFC files will require 26570 blocks. 
    * Do you wish to install the mail RFC files [YES]? 
    The HTML format documentation will require 28493 blocks. 
    * Do you wish to install HTML format documentation [YES]? 
    If you have purchased PMDF-TLS, PMDF-LAN, PMDF-DIRSYNC, PMDF-POPSTORE, or PMDF-MSGSTORE answer YES to install them now. (Note that PMDF-MSGSTORE and PMDF-POPSTORE are partially installed automatically with the base PMDF kit, though they allow only limited use unless separate PMDF-MSGSTORE or PMDF-POPSTORE licenses, respectively, are installed.) You will be asked if the license PAKs for PMDF-TLS, PMDF-LAN, PMDF-DIRSYNC, PMDF-POPSTORE, or PMDF-MSGSTORE are registered and loaded, and given a chance to exit the installation procedure if you have not already done so.


    Customers who are using any direct PC channels from before the product restructuring of September 1994 should answer YES to the PMDF-LAN question.
    Copies of various e-mail related standards documents---useful reference materials for the Postmaster at your site---can be installed optionally. Online documentation in HTML format can be installed.
  23. The installation procedure continues with no further questions.

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